Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

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Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by magicone »

I have 5 sites defined, all are pulling data from the switches (both MAC and IP info)

My problem, under "Mactrack -> IP Ranges", I am seeing only the first site under Any.

Even when I select the Site name I still do not get any other information about the IPs at the other sites.

If I go to the "Mactrack -> IP Address" tab and select one of the other sites I do get details on IPs seen at that site.

It is as if the "IP Ranges" tab will not accept any other sites in the list except the first one.

The site names do contain spaces, not sure if that matters. There are no errors in the logs other than a SNMPAGENT Warning for event receivers.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

CentOS 7
Cacti Version 1.2.25
MariaDB 10.3.39
PHP Version 7.1.33
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by Osiris »

You have to type a pattern. By default it will be empty by design.
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by Osiris »

If you have not defined any devices with and arp table, you won't get them.
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by magicone »

First off, thank you for responding, I was thinking no one used Mactrack any longer.

I've attached some screenshots. I have not problem getting the switch data as you can see.

Each router which would have Interfaces and arp data are showing IPs. MACs show up fine but when I go to the "IP Ranges" tab the only thing that shows up is the first "site" defined. If I select another site there is no data present, no IP ranges displayed.

I think its a mysql table issue or the fact that my site names have spaces between them (like full names of a building) but I'm not sure.

Ever have this issue in the past? Would really like it to work just by clicking on the links. Right now I can only use it for MAC address searches. Which has been great for finding Access Points in the switches and such.

Thank you in advance!
sites.png (79.25 KiB) Viewed 1377 times (86.29 KiB) Viewed 1377 times
ip.ranges.png (29.75 KiB) Viewed 1377 times
devices.png (582.25 KiB) Viewed 1377 times
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by Osiris »

So, do you have any L3 devices or routers in those sites you are capturing Mac to Ip associations?

Yea, people are using it. TheWitness, unfortunately for MacTrack, moved to the HPC space, but he still invests time in trying to keep it relevant. He still uses it on his home network.
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by magicone »

I was reading that he moved to big blue :) HPC is cool though

I used to run Mactrack in an old 0.8 version of Cacti and it worked fine with the same settings for the router device types. Screenshots below. The red marker indicates the routers and the IPs it sees. I included the screenshot of the "IP Addresses" and that it only shows the first site in the site list. If I select anything else it doesn't display the IPs. If I go into the MAC address search I can see the MACs and associated IPs for the various sites so I know the bulk data is there.

The bugger of it all is there are no errors that I can see in the cacti logs.... If you have any idea where I can look for errors or DB tables I'd be happy to pull that data for you.

I'm a total end user when it comes to code. Over 25 years in the networking field but coding has never been my strong suit.

Thanks again for your help!
The is one "site" that shows up but the others dont
The is one "site" that shows up but the others dont (229.36 KiB) Viewed 1354 times
my router definitions - these worked in older versions of MACTRACK so I used the same settings
my router definitions - these worked in older versions of MACTRACK so I used the same settings
router.types.png (42.96 KiB) Viewed 1354 times
Routers identified by RED marker
Routers identified by RED marker
Routers.png (403.3 KiB) Viewed 1354 times
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by Osiris »

How are your database skills?
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by magicone »

I can spell database :)

I google most commands - do you have an idea of where I can start looking?

ran a linux desktop for over 10 years so familiar with CLI in general
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by TheWitness »

Try this:

Code: Select all

mysql -A cacti
SELECT DISTINCT site_id FROM mac_track_ips;
SELECT site_id, COUNT(*) AS ips FROM mac_track_ips GROUP BY site_id;
That'll tell you how many site's are inserting IP address information into the database.
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by magicone »

Thank you for the mysql query string. Below you can see all of the IP data is present and the 8 site ids also exist.

Even went out on a limb and looked in /var/lib/mysql/cacti/ and saw the mac_track_sites so tried site_name and it returned all 8 of the sites names also

As there are no errors in the logs what can I do to to figure out why the webui isn't showing the IPs and IP ranges?

Thank you again for the help.

[cactiadmin@cacti-2023 ~]$ mysql -A cacti -u cactiuser -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 893289
Server version: 10.3.39-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [cacti]> SELECT DISTINCT site_id FROM mac_track_ips;
| site_id |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 |
8 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [cacti]> SELECT site_id, COUNT(*) AS ips FROM mac_track_ips GROUP BY site_id;
| site_id | ips |
| 1 | 93581 |
| 2 | 63259 |
| 3 | 61669 |
| 4 | 510834 |
| 5 | 67078 |
| 6 | 2976 |
| 7 | 74498 |
| 8 | 47073 |
8 rows in set (0.309 sec)
MariaDB [cacti]>

(removed names of sites except first character in the name)

MariaDB [cacti]> SELECT DISTINCT site_name FROM mac_track_sites;
| site_name |
| C---------------l |
| D--------------- |
| H------------------- |
| H------------------ |
| H--------------------- |
| N-------------------- |
| P---------------------------- |
| W------------------------- |
8 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [cacti]>
MariaDB [cacti]> quit;
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by Osiris »

Well, that's encouraging.
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by Osiris »

I suspect this is some issue in the GUI. Database looks good.
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by magicone »

Not for me, ha! :lol: I know the data is there but the tabs don't show anything and there is nothing in the logs to point me to a problem.....

I don't see any debugging options to enable.

Should I run any of the utils? maybe purge the data and see if a fresh collection fixes it? or refresh scanning functions?

What else can I try.

Thanks again for the help.
utils.png (47.99 KiB) Viewed 1291 times
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by Osiris »

I have to review the code, but it's time to sleep...
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Re: Mactrack -> IP Ranges (only for first Site in list)

Post by magicone »

Thank you, understood - I'm running on 4hrs myself.... time to sleep :)
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